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Clara Barton's Impact On Health Care.

Affordable health care is not only one of this country's most controversial issues but is a problem all around the globe. The cost for medical care, such as health insurance, and ER visits are rising, and many businesses and individuals cannot afford it. As Americans many of us have health insurance, but too many go without it. Not only do we see problems with the cost of affordable health care, but there has also been problems with equality in the medical field. There are many places where people still don't have access to medical care due to race, religion, gender, or their income. One person that tried to make access to medical care more accessible and equal to all was Clara Barton. She not only formed the American Red Cross organization which helps with disaster relief, she made it easier to access medicine on and off the battlefield for soldiers,and also issued the same insurance rights for women as for men. America and the world need affordable more accessible medical care, and thankfully Clara Barton affected this.

After natural disasters occurred, american citizens would be left to fend for themselves. They would go without medical care and without help, and Clara Barton realized this needed to change. On May 21, 1881, in Washington, D.C. the American Red Cross was formed with the help of Clara Barton. The organization provides shelter, food, and health services to help families and entire communities get back on their feet. Clara Barton helped found the organization because she wanted to offer help to communities after disasters, therefore creating easier access the medical supplies for communities that needed it more than ever. The Red Cross organization is still at work today, and continues to help communities in need after natural disasters. The Red Cross is a vital part of modern society after disasters, and I believe society could not recover as quickly after a disaster without it.

Another thing Clara Barton helped establish was medical attention for fallen or wounded soldiers on the battlefield. She noticed the lack of care that soldiers were receiving and petitioned the military immediately. She was successful, with help from Henry Wilson, and gained the right to assist in bringing supplies and personal aid to battlefields herself. She was providing basic necessities, sanitation, medical support and proper health care for the troops. She felt it was very important to improve the delivery of medical services during wartime, and we still see battlefield doctors and nurses today helping to bring medical supplies on the battlefield.

Clara also instituted the same insurance rights for women as for men. She pushed the limits for women involving health care services. She felt a strong duty to her community and a commitment to the health of the nation for services to be equal for both genders. Clara's fight for equality in the health field would introduce our health care system to equal care no matter sex or race. She fought for the rights of women, which eventually lead to legislation which guaranteed that insurance companies must charge women and men the same amount for health coverage. She also fought for Preventive care, which now includes breast and cervical cancer screenings, that would be covered by all new health insurance plans.

Many would argue that it's not the responsibility of an organization to assist people impacted by a natural disaster. Rather, in their opinion, people who do not live in the area impacted by the natural disaster should take care of their own “neighbors.” In other words, people in Dallas could come to help people affected by the hurricane on the coast, then people on the coast could go help people in Dallas devastated by a tornado.

I believe everyone should have access to proper medical care because it gives us a chance to be healthy which is vital to our life and well being. People argue that a right to health care would stop medical bankruptcies, improve public health, reduce overall healthcare spending, help small businesses. Health Care should be an essential government service for future citizens and society now. One Act that helps give Americans a more equal opportunity to Health care is the Affordable Healthcare act, The act aims to provide affordable health insurance coverage for all Americans. It brings lower prescription costs on medicine and less people are denied insurance, which has caused more Americans to have health care than ever before!

Clara Barton has revolutionized our healthcare system in several positive ways although there is still much to be done for our health care system to really introduce affordable and more accessible medical care. She has implemented many ways to access easier medical care that modern society still uses today. Clara Barton opened many people's eyes and revolutionized the importance of health care to all and for all.

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